Writing Prompts

Scaling Prompts for Cranking It Up

2024, May 25

When my writing feels kind of lame, I like to turn to scaling prompts to crank it up. I‘d ask myself: What do i want my text to be instead of lame? Sometimes I need it to be more cinematic, other times edgier, braver or even more vulnerable. Somehow moving up the scale step by step sparks a lot more ideas than simply aiming to make my text more cinematic.

🍭 Extra tip: ask Chat GPT to make your text climb up the scale and see what happens ;)

Cinematic Boost

Brainstorm | 7 min

  • Picture a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is ultra-cinematic and 0 isn‘t at all. How would your text change if it moved up the scale? For example, if your text feels like it‘s at a 2, what elements do you see when you picture it moving to a 3? Then a 4? Jot down any ideas that come to mind. Brainstorm on paper by writing in a stream of consciousness kind of way: „If I picture moving my text up to a 3 on the cinematic scale, the first thing that comes to mind is…“

Re-Write | 12 min

  • Now re-write your piece of writing, one paragraph, one chapter or one scene, implementing ideas from your brainstorming tapas just now.

Edgy Elevation

Brainstorm | 7 min

  • Picture a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is the peak of edginess. For example, if your text feels like it's at a 2, envision what elements appear as it moves to a 3, then a 4, and so on. Jot down the ideas and elements that emerge at each step.Brainstorm on paper by writing in a stream of consciousness kind of way: „If I picture moving my text up to a 3 on the edgy scale, the first thing that comes to mind is…“

Re-Write | 12 min

  • Re-write your text, integrating the edgy details you've brainstormed. Allow your piece to gradually adopt these traits, enhancing its narrative bite by bite.

Surreal Shift

Brainstorm | 7 min**

  • Imagine a surrealism scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is super surreal. For example, if your text currently reads like a 3, what surreal aspects begin to surface as it moves to a 4? Continue imagining up to a 10, noting any surreal transformations. Brainstorm on paper by writing in a stream of consciousness kind of way: „If I picture moving my text up to a 4 on the surreal scale, the first thing that comes to mind is…“

Re-Write | 12 min

  • Apply the surreal elements you’ve brainstormed to enhance the dreamlike or bizarre atmosphere of your text. Let each adjustment build the intensity of the surreal quality.

Cliché Breaker

Brainstorm | 7 min

  • Consider a scale where 10 represents a text that masterfully breaks clichés. For example, starting at 5, what does breaking a cliché look like at 6, then 7? Record the changes that help dismantle the clichés at each point. Brainstorm on paper by writing in a stream of consciousness kind of way: „If I picture moving my text up to a 6 on the cliché-breaking scale, the first thing that comes to mind is…“

Re-Write | 12 min

  • Incorporate the cliché-breaking elements into your text, allowing each step to effectively shatter the expected norms.

Delicious Descriptors

Brainstorm | 7 min

  • Set a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is rich in delicious descriptors. For example, if your text tastes like a 3, what richer descriptions would add flavor to bring it to a 4? Consider sensory details that intensify as you escalate. Brainstorm on paper by writing in a stream of consciousness kind of way: „If I picture moving my text up to a 4 on the scale of deliciousness, the first thing that comes to mind is…“

Re-Write | 12 min

  • Sprinkle your text with the delicious descriptors you've gathered, seasoning it to taste more vivid and engaging.

Define It Yourself

Define It Yourself | 3 min

What do you want your text to embody more? Flowy, street credible, surprising, simple, or minimalistic? You define it.

Brainstorm | 7 min

Now, envision your chosen attribute on a scale of 0 to 10. Starting from where your text currently is, such as a 5, imagine moving it to a 6, then 7. What new characteristics emerge? Keep imagining and jotting down transformations until you reach a 10. Brainstorm on paper by writing in a stream of consciousness kind of way: „If I picture moving my text up to a 6 on the scale, the first thing that comes to mind is…“

Re-Write | 12 min

Revise your text, applying the dynamic qualities you've imagined, allowing it to fully embrace the attribute you've chosen.

Katti Jisuk